Viewing abuse filter 3: Prevent standard users from editing others' user pages

Editing filter 3
Filter parameters
Filter ID:3


(publicly viewable)
Statistics:Of the last 242 actions, this filter has matched 0 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.23 ms, and it consumes 1.8 conditions of the condition limit.
((page_namespace + moved_from_namespace) == 2 | moved_from_namespace == 3) & !('/' in page_title) & !("autopatrol" in user_rights) & !(equals_to_any(user_name, page_title, moved_from_title)) & !(user_name rlike "\(WMF\)")
Filter last modified:13:19, 30 October 2021 by Martin Urbanec (WMF) (talk | contribs)
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Actions to take when matched